The works of Boyle Family reproduce the world with the minimum of artistic licence and as objectively as possible. They aim to make us look at reality with the same attention we would devote to a film or to the visual arts. Chance also plays an important role in determining what they will reproduce. The Boyle Family choose locations by chance, throwing darts at maps. This is one of a series of random studies of broken black and white paths, showing the process of disintegration and change. It is one of their ‘Earth Works’, in which they reproduce a section of ground, whether it be pavement, sand or soil.
Here is the first work of art shown above a painted fibreglass cast sculpture in an exhibition in the Hayward Gallery in 1986
The Boyle Family are not photography they are a family and group of artists who create art that deals with similar ideas to Macro Photography. You might find sites on the internet just showing the works of art and describing them as photos, but these are fibre glass and paint sculptures
Link to their experiments using found sounds
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