Wednesday 20 May 2020

Object Photography May 2020

"What They Didnt Teach You In Photoschool" by Demetrius Fordham is an interesting book about good oractice, rather than studio techniques for aspiring professional photographers.

Fordham breaks photography specialisms down into
Outdoor /  Landscape
and Photojournalism

Product Photography covers everything from food and drink, to still life photography of accessories and clothing items. Work typically coming from cataogues, magazines, agencies and fashion brands

Burning House

If your house was burning what would you take with you? Its a conflict between whats practica, valuble and sentimental. What would you take that reflects your interests, background and priorites. Think of it as a question condensed into one question.

This is what the Burning House Website /  Blog says. We would say condensed into one photograph.It is an interesting idea for an object or product photograph. You could do a series, maybe your priorities and what is important changes day to day or week to week.

 As an idea it has been superseded by Instagram, it is a very Instagram idea and since the growth of Instagram over the last decade BH site has gone a bit quiet with only a handful of posts in the last five years, suggesting it isnt being updated anymore or people are not sending in posts. We did actually have a Sixth Form student who successfully made a submission

Depth of Field

Use Depth of Field to push the background and figures in a portrait to make objects in the foreground the focus of the photograph

This is a technique I have used a lot to focus on other peoples phone photos. Here are photos taken at an event in Luton 

The phones and the cameras rather date these Photos ( they were taken during the UK Olympics in 2012)
Here is a link to this blog about using spectacles and glasses as obects to look through

Article within this blog on Depth Of Field

Marshall Gray - Seven 7 Deadly Sins Still Life

Marshall Gray is a professional photographer and his website is an excellent starting point if you want to look at quirky or exciting compositions and examples of thinking outside the box.

As well as a website he also has a blog where he plays with ideas. Here are some examples of his themed Still Life photography

Seven Deadly Sins








An interesting approach to still life where a theme has influenced the way the still life groups are composed

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